Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

Heart Rate Variation and Human Body Burdens of Environmental Mixtures in the Cree First Nation Communities of Eeyou Istchee, Canada


Liberda, E.N., Zuk, A.M., & Tsuji, L.J.S.



This article presents results from a study examining associations between complex environmental mixtures and fluctuations in heart rate among James Bay Cree First Nation communities in Quebec.

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Heart Rate Variation and Human Body Burdens of Environmental Mixtures in the Cree First Nation Communities of Eeyou Istchee, Canada

Liberda, E.N., Zuk, A.M., & Tsuji, L.J.S. (2021). Heart rate variation and human body burdens of environmental mixtures in the Cree First Nation communities of Eeyou Istchee, Canada. Environment International, 146, 106220.

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