Healthy Land, Healthy People Collection

"Saying No to Resource Development is Not an Option": Economic Development in Moose Cree First Nation


Dylan, A., Smallboy, B., & Lightman, E.

University of Toronto Press


The authors examine whether impact and benefit agreements are meeting the expectations of First Nations communities, using the case study of one First Nations community in Ontario. Key areas of concern are discussed, including: 1) employment and economic stimulation; 2) social and physical health; 3) negotations and meaningful community involvement; 4) corporate social responsibility, capacity building and social capital; and 5) environmental concerns and cultural relevance.

Link to Resource

"Saying No to Resource Development is Not an Option": Economic Development in Moose Cree First Nation

Dylan, A., Smallboy, B., & Lightman, E. (2013). "Saying no to resource development is not an option": Economic development in Moose Cree First Nation. Journal of Canadian Studies, 47(1), 59-90.

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